Texas Adopt a Beach Clean Up in April and September
Backyard Garden Tour in May
Annual Walkabout in October
The beach clean ups occur each April and September. Clean Galveston is the local host for the Texas General Land Office's Adopt a Beach events.
The 2024 Adopt a Beach dates are Saturdays
April 20th
September 28th
Don't forget to bring your reusable garden gloves and buckets (or other container) to collect the trash.
Click below to register and find out more information about Adopt a Beach.
Participate in one of our seasonal beach cleanups and join thousands of other volunteers in keeping Texas beaches clean and pristine.
Walk this way!
Grab your friends and join us for the 32nd annual Walkabout!
You will walk this way & that, collecting lucky envelopes at small businesses throughout Galveston's bustling downtown district. Fabulous prizes are awarded for the best "treasure". Proceeds from Walkabout fund Clean Galveston's community grant program.
This annual event puts the
FUN in fundraising!
Join us Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024!
Take self guided tours through some of Galveston's most beautiful private gardens.
Home owners may be on site to answer all of your gardening and landscaping questions.
Local community and neighborhood gardens will also be open for touring.
Saturday, May 17, 2025!